Sunday, May 12, 2013

Day 119 - Stones and Storms

It will take a lot of stone to finish the outside of the house and the trucks just keep on bringing the loads of limestone from Cobra Stone, our supplier.

Delivered Stone

Variety in Delivered Stone

It seems funny to have stone delivered when our property is so rocky with many loose pieces scattered around in the dirt.  However, using fieldstone is quite a bit more expensive because of the labor to gather it. ( And we're definitely not interested in doing that job ourselves!)

Field Stone

We had a rain storm move through here a few days ago that gave a new look to our stone.  It is amazing how much the dust obscured the color of the stone.

Wet Stone on Left and Dry Stone on Upper Right

And the rain really brought out the color of the stone on the walls.  Before losing the dust the colors were very muted and now are much more defined.

Garage Wall

Front Entry

Note the Plumb Line on the Edge

Front Garage Wall

The wind with the rain storm was strong enough to bring down one of the small oak trees in the area behind the pool house and the rain left a good demonstration of the trench between the two cisterns.

R.I.P. Little Oak

Equalization trench

We ended the week with a casual visit from neighbors............we are very lucky to moving to a wonderful neighborhood!!!!

Jerry and Bruce Chilling at the End of the Week

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